BiFlow by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

The smarter E AWARD Finalist 2025 – Category: Outstanding Projects

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology was named as finalist of the The smarter E AWARD 2025 in the Category "Oustanding Projects" for the application BiFlow.

BiFlow by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Within the scope of the BiFlow project, a new type of hybrid storage system was built in a dormitory for students and trainees in Bruchsal. The system combines two different storage devices: a lithium-ion battery and a vanadium redox flow battery (VFB). A smart energy management system is used to control the use of the two storage devices to optimize overall efficiency. The lithium battery is primarily used for shorter peak loads, while the redox flow battery handles the longer storage times. The waste heat tanks of the redox flow battery are also used as hot water storage tanks, thereby dispensing with the heat storage tank usually otherwise required. In BiFlow, a thermal coupling module recovers the heat generated by the operational losses of the VFB’s electrolyte tanks. By adjusting the electrolyte composition of the VFB, the electrolyte can remain stable at raised temperatures of up to 50°C during the time required to charge/discharge and for the heat exchange to take place.

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Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

Exhibitor at ees Europe 2025
Booth B0.230

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