CyberNoc by CyberGrid

The smarter E AWARD Winner 2024 – Category: Smart Integrated Energy

CyberGrid was named as winner of the The smarter E AWARD 2024 in the Category "Smart Integrated Energy" for the application CyberNoc.

CyberNoc by CyberGrid

Tapping into flexibility is key if the energy transition and the decarbonization of our energy system are to succeed. CyberGrid GmbH has developed CyberNoc, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution designed to market flexible assets in a variety of markets. The first step involves analyzing the flexibility currently available from technologies such as battery storage systems, PV installations and electric vehicles, based on real-time data, in order to calculate a forecast in the next step, which forms the basis for fully automated trading on the various energy and power markets, such as the European operating reserve platform PICASSO. With the SaaS solution, CyberNoc is an easy-to-parameterize platform for managing extensive energy portfolios.

Jury statement

Contact Data

CyberGrid GmbH
Bayerngasse 3 / 1 / 5
1030 Vienna

Mr. Fabio Hirsch
Phone +43 676 81035781

Exhibitor at EM-Power Europe 2024
Booth B5.590

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