Sunmaxx PX-1 by Sunmaxx PVT GmbH

The smarter E AWARD Finalist 2025 – Category: Photovoltaics

Sunmaxx PVT GmbH was named as finalist of the The smarter E AWARD 2024 in the Category "Photovoltaics" for the application Sunmaxx PX-1.

Sunmaxx PX-1 by Sunmaxx PVT GmbH

When it comes to decarbonizing buildings, cities in particular need a fossil-fuel free heating supply with space-saving solutions. The combination of monocrystalline TopCon solar cells and flat plate collectors enables efficient dual use of roofs in conjunction with heat pumps. The Sunmaxx PX-1 modules have an electrical output of 440 W combined with a solar thermal output of 1,522 W. At 29 kilograms, they weigh only slightly more than comparable PV modules and can be easily installed using thermal plug-in connectors with a flexible hose. With heating costs of only 6 to 8 eurocents/kWh, amortization can be achieved in 7 to 9 years.

Contact Data

Sunmaxx PVT GmbH
Schutterwälder Str. 13
1458 Ottendorf-Okrilla

Exhibitor at Intersolar Europe 2025
Booth A1.151

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