Forecast & Investment by Utiligize ApS

The smarter E AWARD Finalist 2025 – Category: Smart Integrated Energy

Utiligize ApS was named as finalist of the The smarter E AWARD 2025 in the Category "Smart Integrated Energy" for the application Forecast & Investment.

Forecast & Investment by Utiligize ApS

The task of connecting a large number of new consumers is difficult for grid operators. Distribution system operators in particular must perform very complex asset management operations with an almost unmanageable number of operating resources and customers to be connected. Utiligize offers an integrated platform that supports grid operators in this demanding undertaking by combining classic georeferenced network data with measurements from smart meters. This data provides the basis for predicting demand on the grid, and this data can then be used for predictive grid planning. To achieve this, Utiligize uses its cloud-based solution to plan the most cost-effective grid expansion possible, taking data from existing and future resources into account. The usual grid planning criteria, such as N-1, are considered. Utiligize’s offering is a solution to a globally important question that has the potential to save a lot of resources.

Contact Data

Utiligize ApS
Sankt Gertruds Stræde 5, 1.
1129 København

Exhibitor at EM-Power Europe 2025
Booth B5.490

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